2016 Annual Conference Agenda

Friday, October 7th




1600-1630: Sonoanantomy and gaining USGRA skill sets

1630-1700: Safe approach technique for ultrasound guided interventions

1700-1730: Optimal utilization of in-plane and out of plane needle trajectory with USGRA

1740-1810: “Knobology”: How to optimize machine settings for maximizing image quality

1810-1910: Upper extremity USGRA Primer: Brachial Plexus techniques

1910-2000: Lower Extremity USGRA Primer: Femoral Nerve Block



Saturday, October 8th










0730: Breakfast

800-830: Does USGRA increase the safety of peripheral nerve blocks (PNBs) and vascular access for our patients

830-900: Clean or Sterile- optimal preparation and placement of peripheral nerve blocks?

900-930: Billing and coding for PNBs

930-1000: Using the optimal probe for USGRA block placement

1010-1210: Upper Extremity Hands on Workshop: Brachial Plexus Techniques Basic to Advanced.Interscalene, Supraclavicular, Infraclavicular, Axillary, Selective Brachial Plexus component blocks

1240-1440: Lower Extremity Hands on Workshop:

  • Femoral Nerve Approaches
  • Sciatic Nerve Approaches
  • Selecting the optimal approach for a given surgical procedure

1455-1555: Vascular Access Hands on Workshop:

  • Central line placement
  • A-line placement, PIV Placement
  • Assessment of needle trajectory and target acquisition

1555-1655: Open Scanning Session with Instructors (Optional for participants to cover all blocks they want to cover). A series of Clinical scenarios will be proposed and participants have the opportunity to choose appropriate USGRA techniques and demonstrate image acquisition.





Sunday, October 9th




800-830: Using catheters for continuous PNBs. What do we know about the safety and efficacy of PNBs with catheter techniques.

830-1000: Transversus Abdominus Plane (TAP) block approaches and techniques for optimal analgesic effect. 

1010-1040: Paravertebral block placement, scanning and safety (Single Shot and Continuous Techniques)

1040-1110: PECS 2 block placement, scanning and safety

1110-1140: Ultrasound scanning for Epidural Placement

1140-1210:Open scanning and question and answer with instructors